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Книга про Гунильд Кетман
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Who is Gunild Keetman?
Announcing a book and a DVD honoring the 100th birthday of the co-author of the Schulwerk
Gunild Keetman
Ein Leben für Musik und Bewegung
A life given to Music and Movement
Herausgegeben/Edited by Hermann Regner and Minna Ronnefeld
© 2004 Schott Music Mainz
ISBN 3-7957-0504-5
A detailed presentation of the life and works of Gunild Keetman was published by Schott Music in Mainz in honor of her 100th birthday. All texts are printed in both German and English to inform the large international group of people who work with Orff Schulwerk about the co-author without whom “the Schulwerk could never have been created.” (Carl Orff).
Gunild Keetman contributed essentially to the experimentation with new instruments at that time, notated the first playing materials, practiced all the ideas and materials in her pedagogical work with children as well as with adults and built the bridges to movement and dance.
There are a great number of personal recollections, a complete bibliography of her works and many photos and reproductions of the music of this composer to be found in the book. The DVD includes film excerpts from her actual lessons as well as her musical work “The Christmas Story,” all of which transmit a lively portrait of this many-sided, and extremely talented personality so important to the Schulwerk.
Кто такая Гунильд Кетман?
Жизнь просвященная музыке и движению
Книга к 100 - летию со дня рождения соавтора по Орф-Шульверку.
По немецки и по английски.
Авторы: Герман Регнер и Минна Роннефельд.
Есть и DVD
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